Autumn Bird photography tour with Thomas Krumencaker

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  • Autumn Bird photography tour with Thomas Krumencaker

autumn migration bird photography workshop

12-21 November

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Join Thomas Krumencaker on a memorable birding experience – one you will never forget Berlin-based journalist, ornithologist and photographer Thomas Krumenacker has been birding in Israel since 2005. As Thomas fell in love with the captivating land and its wildlife, he has published his book “Birds in the Holy Land – A photographic journey through Israel”, and has led numerous birding and photography groups throughout the country. 

Thomas is deputy Editor-in-chief for Germany’s leading Birdwatching journal Der Falke and a staff writer for Naturblick, a leading german-language magazine on nature photography.
He is involved in several nature conservation projects with a focus on preserving the last breeding population of Lesser Spotted Eagles in Germany.


Located at one of the most world-renowned birding sites that is well known as a birding hotspot.
With Hundreds of species, millions of birds that pass through Israel during migration seasons making it one of the world’s busiest and most impressive migration routes in the world, and a perfect destination for a birding photography tour, you will never forget!


Optimized-thomas GreaterSpottedEagle
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